Edit Menu
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Undo reverts a changed file or folder name back to the last-saved name.
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Cut, Copy and Paste
Cut, Copy, and Paste perform the standard Macintosh text editing functions. Lines in the
Log window can be copied.
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Leave A Message
Using SpeedShare, messages can be sent to the operator of any connected server.
Choose Leave A Message... to see the following window:
.dmg/Updaters/SpeedShare-1.0.4/SpeedShare User Guides/client_docs/images/LeaveAMessage.gif/LeaveAMessage.gif)
Use the popup menu to choose the recipient of the message. Messages can be sent only to
connected servers.
Click Send when you're ready to send your message. It will be saved on the
SpeedShare Server until the operator reads it.
Click Cancel to discard the message and put the window away.
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Use the connections dialog to enter the information necessary to connect to a server.
.dmg/Updaters/SpeedShare-1.0.4/SpeedShare User Guides/client_docs/images/ConnectionDialog.gif/ConnectionDialog.gif)
Connections dialog
To connect to a SpeedShare Server, the following information is needed:
- The server's name
- The user name
- The user password
- (Sometimes) the server's TCP/IP address
Normally, you will connect to a SpeedShare server using the
Qdea Worldwide Rendezvous. The Rendezvous makes connections between servers and clients by
name. It's easier to use the Rendezvous - all you need to know is the name of the server.
If you want to connect using a fixed TCP/IP address, click TCP/IP Address
and enter the address. TCP/IP addresses look like this:, where
each number is between 0 and 255. The TCP/IP address of a SpeedShare Server
is entered in the Log of the server each time it starts up.
.dmg/Updaters/SpeedShare-1.0.4/SpeedShare User Guides/client_docs/images/GuestCheckbox.gif/GuestCheckbox.gif)
Check this box to connect as a Guest to a SpeedShare server. When this box is checked,
no password is needed to connect to the server. If Guest connections are not enabled
on the SpeedShare server, connecting as a Guest will not succeed.
.dmg/Updaters/SpeedShare-1.0.4/SpeedShare User Guides/client_docs/images/CompressFiles.gif/CompressFiles.gif)
Check this box to compress files before they are sent to or from a SpeedShare server.
When you make a connection over a local area network (LAN), file transfers will be
faster if this box is not checked.
.dmg/Updaters/SpeedShare-1.0.4/SpeedShare User Guides/client_docs/images/EncryptFiles.gif/EncryptFiles.gif)
Check this box to encrypt files as they are sent to and from a SpeedShare server.
Encrypted files cannot be read as they are sent over the Internet.
When you make a connection over a local area network (LAN), file transfers will be
faster if this box is not checked.
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The Preferences window has several pages. Each page is used to configure different
.dmg/Updaters/SpeedShare-1.0.4/SpeedShare User Guides/client_docs/images/PrefsWindow.gif/PrefsWindow.gif)
Use the popup menu to choose a page, or
use the arrow buttons or the arrow keys on the keyboard.
Click the page you want to see:
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